Natural Skincare Routine


There are tons of natural skincare products, but sometimes it's hard to know where to start. This post will share my favorite cleanser, exfoliator, and moisturizer with you!


One of the first steps to a natural skincare routine is cleansing. Cleansing is important because it removes dirt, oil, and makeup from your skin so that you can start with a clean slate when applying products.

The best way to cleanse your skin is with an oil-based cleanser, which will help lift excess oil and dirt on top of the skin without stripping moisture from it. This helps with acne because it won't irritate already sensitive skin or cause more breakouts.

Cleansing should be done twice daily: once in the morning and once at night before bedtime. You'll want to use different products depending on whether you're cleansing your face or body; for example, if you're using an oil-based cleanser on your face, then avoid using water-based ones on other parts of your body as they may leave residue behind that could clog pores (especially in areas prone to acne).


Exfoliation removes dead skin cells from your face, which helps ensure that your pores are clean and clear. It also keeps your face looking smooth and youthful because it allows you to apply other products more evenly and effectively.

When it comes to exfoliating, there’s no need to spend a fortune on chemical peels or other expensive products — all you need is some sugar! You can mix sugar with oil (like castor or almond) to make a scrub. For an extra boost of hydration, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil when mixing these ingredients at home.


Toning is a step in every skincare routine. It helps to balance your skin's pH, remove any dirt or residue left over from cleansing, and prep your skin for moisturizing. Toning can be done with a toner or water alone (either way is fine).


Moisturizing is important because it helps keep your skin hydrated, preventing dryness. This is especially important for those who have dry skin or want to avoid dryness in the future. Additionally, moisturizing will help reduce oiliness and acne breakouts on oily skin types, preventing flaking on the T-zone area of combination skin. It's important to note that moisturizers should be applied after cleansing but before toner or serum (if you're using them).

The type of moisturizer that you choose should depend on your needs and preferences—so we'll provide some general guidelines below:

  • If your skin becomes easily irritated by ingredients like fragrance, look for fragrance-free products; otherwise, opt for one with a mild scent like lavender oil or chamomile extract like this one from Kiehl's Moisturizer

  • If you have sensitive areas around the eyes, go with something light like Cetaphil Baby Gentle Skin Cleanser.

  • For aging skin, pick something rich without parabens like this one from Clinique Moisture Surge Intense.

Natural skincare is more than just slapping on a face mask.

Natural skincare is more than just slapping on a face mask. Natural skincare combines good products for your skin and the environment.

Natural skincare doesn't just mean using natural ingredients; it means making sure those ingredients are safe and gentle on your skin. The best way to do this is by looking at the ingredients list on any product you're considering buying - if there's an ingredient you don't recognize or can't pronounce, then it's probably not going to be good for your skin.

In addition to researching each ingredient in a product, it's also important to consider what impact the entire product will have on your body and the environment around us.


We hope this blog post has helped you understand what it takes to have a natural skincare routine and how easy it can be. If you’re looking for more information on implementing these steps into your routine, check out our other natural skincare tips!


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